This property is located in the Zupci district of the city of Bar. It is located a little above the city center and you can be in the city center of Bar in less than 5 minutes by car.
The property is approx. 5,000 m² in size and consists of several plots. There are several large, old oak trees in the upper area, the front area is quite open. A road runs alongside the property, and there is also a new, paved road behind the property – so you have access to the property from two sides.
The plot has a slope, so it is not completely flat. In the upper area, however, there are areas that are flat and suitable for building houses. Electricity runs directly along the road. There is no water connection here. You would therefore have to build a well or a water basin.
The wonderful sea views and views over the town of Bar are available from almost all points of the property.
The price is 55 euros/m² – for approx. 5,000 m², this means a total of approx. 275,000 euros. There is no brokerage fee.