360 degree

360 degree aerial panorama of Šušanj

360 degree aerial panorama of Šušanj Šušanj is a district of the town of Bar on the Montenegrin coast. If you drive out of the small town of Sutomore towards Bar, this district is located right at the beginning of the town on the left-hand side opposite the sea. The district is quite popular because you can walk to the sea and also walk into the city. One small disadvantage should be mentioned here:...

360 degree aerial panorama of Tuđemili

360 degree aerial panorama of Tuđemili Tuđemili is a small municipality in the district of Bar and is located opposite the sea, slightly up the hill behind the town of Bar. You have a lot of peace and quiet there, lots of greenery and a far-reaching view of the city and the sea - and of course the surrounding mountains. Property prices here are still somewhat lower than in districts of Bar or other...

360 degree aerial panorama of Stari Bar

360 degree aerial panorama of Stari Bar The old towns in Montenegro are something very special. Super nice, always a very quiet atmosphere and really always and all very worth seeing! Today there's a 360 degree panorama of the old town of Bar - Stari Bar. You can actually see the old castle grounds of the old town here - so enjoy the view! Start...

360 degree aerial panorama of Bar

360 degree aerial panorama of Bar Well, it was on the way - and so a 360 degree panorama was created in the parking lot of the HDL market in Bar. You can take the opportunity to see the HDL and Tehnomax.But more impressive, of course, is the mountain range that caresses the bar. Have fun watching! Start...

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